Friday, March 7, 2008

Stupid Facebook!

My Facebook account has just been disabled for using an application 'abusively' (sent too many messages). I thought facebook are initially meant for people to keep in touch, and messages seems to be the best way to do that, but then why on earth they want to set the limit of sending messages?

I have put so much effort in Human Pets, Friends For Sale, Owned, and Hotties For Sale. And now, it's all gone. Sob sob.....I really feel like crying when I got the message "Your account has been disabled". What the heck!! Arrggggggg!!

I sent an email to and told them how I feel,but I doubt they will entertain me. Think I will just give up using Facebook from now on. I don't think I will create an account again, because I AM SO FED UP NOW!!

So sorry for my owners who wasted their points to buy me in Human Pets, Friends For Sale, Owned, and Hotties For Sale, and end up they own no one. :(

Luckily my pets and owners have my MSN address and they can still contact me using MSN or emails.

For those who wants update of my life, you can always read my blog here. Since I won't waste time in Facebook anymore, I will have more time to update my blog from now on. Sigh....


Unknown said...

Pity yo!!!.... but you gain more time :P

Anonymous said...

The administrator reactivated my account already after reading my email. :P