Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Freaking Hot Weather!!

Global warming must have conquered Malaysia. The weather these few days were freaking hot. I don't feel like going out at all. Not even for lunch. Calling for food delivery is the best solution. But how many days I can order that? sob sob.....

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

13th National Election.

Our PM just announced that the 13th Election will be on 5th May 2013. This is my 1st time ever of voting. Time for a change....

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Abandoned blog.

Wow! It's been 3years I've abandoned my blog? Can't believe it!! Time flies really too fast. I'm still the same me, only got older. :(

I didn't even login to Facebook for some time. Some internet friends even got married with kids, and recently only I found out that by looking at the photos of them in Facebook. Hehe....Please forgive me for that, and congratulations to those who are married by now and have kid(s).

Hopefully I don't abandon again this blog for another 3years. Muahaha....