Saturday, April 12, 2008

Medical Report.

My life has been so bored, bored until I went for a pre-marital blood test in Pathlab last Saturday, went for a hepatitis B immune booster jab, and teeth checkup and cleaning.

I have just collected the report this morning.

Everything seems to normal in the report, err..ok ok, except for my cholesterol, which the total cholesterol is at the border (5.2) and the LDL cholesterol(bad cholesterol) is too much (3.3, which normal should be less than 2.6). Anyway it's actually reduced by 10% compared to 2 years ago. My Uric acid has reduced from higher level to normal level now. Maybe because of the food I took for the past 2 years (mostly mum cook food for lunch and dinner), and I exercised for the one whole year every week.

My haemoglobin is back to normal level. 2 years ago when I did the medical checkup, my haemoglobin level was tested too much, and the doctor advised me to donate my blood. I, as a very good girl as usual(hehe...), went for the blood donation one week after that. :P That's my very 1st time of blood donation in my life.

The report stated that I don't have any Thalassemia, Rubella immune is OK, advisable to take one booster dose for Hepatitis B immune, which I went for a jab immediately right after I took the report. Now only I know that having jab is more painful than blood taking. :(

Then I went for teeth checkup and cleaning at 4pm. The dentist advise me to take off my wisdom teeth, which do not give me any effect to me so far, before the wisdom teeth caused my teeth next to it spoil because of them. I'm still considering because it's a minor surgery. I might not be able to eat proper food for 1 week after the surgery, like what EF had experienced it last year. Scary.........

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