Monday, July 7, 2008

Fish Cooking No.2.

Last Saturday, my 1st weekend of 5days job, I bought the Dory fish fillet and made grilled fish. The marinated the fillet with oyster sauce, soya sauce, sesame oil, and a little bit the chicken seasoning. It's much easier, and much tastier this time compared to the whole fish which I steamed the week before. When the fish almost cooked, I added a little bit of white wine on it. Trust me, it's yummy. Slurppp.......:p
I added the crab stick and corn as side dish/decoration. The grilled fish is not 'dark' enough because I tried to make it as "fresh" as possible. Maybe the presentation is not impressive, but my another half finished the whole plate within 5 minutes. :)

Grill Fish


~~ neB howK ~~ said...

Well...whether the food presentation is looks nice or not, it's still the same anyway - when all crab, fish, etc... are all in your stomach :-p

So no worries la.. at least u still able to cook such a 'Bluecrystal fish/fillet' of your own :-)

bluecrystal said...

Haha. Wah! Then you can eat all kinds of food, since all go to your stomach at the end? :P