Monday, June 9, 2008

Viewed for more than 1000times.

Yay! Finally my blog has been viewed for more than 1000 times. :P


~~ neB howK ~~ said...

How did u put that 'Hit Counter' below your blog page ? I registered and tried it earlier but nothing happened..

bluecrystal said...

Err..I can't really remember. Just follow the instructions given only. Try to read carefully on the instructions.

Jefferson Chua said...

Congrats! That must be an achievement... cheers!

Golden Man said...

FYI, the ex PM blog hit 2 million. just imagine... what he can sell over the internet huh!?!

bluecrystal said...

Jefferson: Thanks. Surprise that you read my blog too. :P

Golden Man: He's a 'celebrity'. So can't compare. :P

~~ neB howK ~~ said...

So when is your next uddate again ? It's been 2 weeks since your last update...zzzzz...