The one which is selling the deep fried 'luk luk' is the most popular one among all vans since it's pretty new. A lot of people tried their deep fried cockles and deep fried small fish. It's worth a try if you never eat that before. Anyway, I still prefer the steamboat kind of cockles because the taste is more 'original'. :P
One thing bad about that busy road nowadays is there are some nuisance idiots double park their cars on that small road and block the whole road like their grandmother's. They never think of the result that they might cause. Don't they know that once they start blocking the road, people will start complaining, and the authority then will take action not to allow the vans to sell food there, which is not only affect the income of the van sales, but also will cause the rest of the people not able to eat those yummy food anymore over there. Hopefully everyone can really considerate for others.
The most popular steamboat & deep fried van.
Deep fried cockles.
I had that once... a long time ago... worst food poisoning in my life. :(
You mean you got food poisoning after eating that? Lucky me then. :P
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