We just stay in a so called budget Inn, which was not really budget, it cost us RM90 per room. The floor was dirty, but luckily the air cond is cold enough. I didn't able to sleep well that night in that motel room because their sound proof and 'smell' proof system really suck!! I could hear people opened and close the doors, walking, then got cigarettes smoke smell, which I didn't know where did it came from. Don't get me wrong. The sound was produced by 'human'. Not anything else. Haha...
We had shark fin soup and some simple dishes for our 1st dinner. The restaurant is famous for their tauhu I think because most of their chef recommendation consist of tauhu. ER told me that the 1st time he ate one of their tauhu, he felt like the sun goes up from his back. Haha....
The tauhu which made ER felt the sun goes up from his back is the dish at the most right.
On Sunday, we went to this shop called Dr Fish, where they use the small fishes to eat our dead skin cells, and cure our skin problem. I've heard of this was available only in Japan or Taiwan. So that shop is the 1st one in Malaysia. I heard that TV 3 interviewed them last week and is going to show their shop on TV in these 2 weeks.
Before I decided to take the fish spa package, I tried it on my hand 1st to see how ticklish it is. No kidding. It felt really ticklish OK!! But anyway I'm not the timid type of people. And the experience is definitely worth the money I paid. It's RM40 per hour, You just add up another RM28 for another hour of foot reflexology.
Thousands of fishes in the big bath tub.
The fish just love our feet. :P Too much dead skin cells I think. Haha...
After the foot reflex. We went for Capitol Satay Celup for dinner. The worker there gave us a few extra large prawns and abalone slices, and charged us 50cents per prawn/abalone slice. It's so yummy. Slurp........
Our 1st round of satay celup.
See how big is the prawn!! It's a lobster!!
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What language is that? I don't know how to read. Please translate it into English. Thanks.
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