I'm having a cold war with him. The same old reason, he doesn't really bother me, and make me feel like he's taking our relationship for granted. We compromised about he doesn't need to accompany me during weekdays, but weekend he's supposed to be all mine. But, he disappointed me again and again.
Yesterday, he told me that he wanted to help in his friend's shop, and can gain some knowledge/skills besides of earning extra income. I am understanding enough I guess, and let him to do it since it's his interest, and at least he's working hard to gain extra income, and not go out for leisure. When he got back in the evening, right after dinner, he watched his series drama all night. I tried to ask him out, just to go for a drink at mamak stall nearby, but he refused. I was thinking maybe he's tired to go out again, since he was out the whole day. Then before I go to sleep, which was at 1am, I asked him to accompany me to talk for a while before I fall asleep. All he can answered was: Can you please let me watch this now since I didn't have time to watch it over the weekdays? I was really hurt when he told me that.
Today, I didn't talk to him the whole day. This is not the 1st time, and he still don't know what I'm angry about. All he think is I'm just being moody and crazy, and angry for nothing.
When BL called me from his vacation oversea in the evening, I almost broke down and cry. I tried to to hold my tears back so hard. I felt so fragile when he called, especially when he said he misses me so much. I didn't tell him anything about this, in order not to spoil his mood of holiday.Why the one who is so near to me don't bother me at all, but the one who is so far away called me and just to listen to my voice? Do all guys, or all the relationships have to be in such a way? When you don't have it, you are craving for it; but when you have it, you just leave it aside, and no need to bother about it anymore? Sometimes, I really feel like to be out of love, to avoid such disappointment everytime.
Posted by: MK | September 30, 2007 09:03 AM
haha, stupid felle in love like you.. what to suffer??